Idle FC

Something Smells Fishy…..

Anyone involved with grassroots football will tell you the week to week running of a football team can be just like a full time job, what they will also tell you is how valuable a supportive business is in sponsorship for the kits the teams need to ensure they can play every week. This season this rings true even more as Idle FC kicked off the season adding a reserve team as well as the first team.

Idle FC have been extremely lucky to have struck such a great partnership with Mark Drummond, owner of Towngate Fisheries, for his unwavering support for almost ten years, supporting in someway in every single season whether that be a new training top for one of the junior sides or a brand new home kit every other season for the senior team.

Idle FC Chairman Marcus Strudwick said…


I’m really proud that a local team can be supported by a local business as it only strengthens community spirit.

I would like to thank Mark and the Towngate team for their support yet again and hope the partnership can continue for another 10 years!

You can find more about Towngate Fisheries on their website here


  • Gary Hill

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    • Justin Long

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  • Jacob Brooks

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